
Here we have our two Itty Bitty Fluffy blog badges for featured Photographers and brands to display proudly - there's the 'As seen on' badge and also the 'Loved by' badge. Please see their descriptions below.

Badges are 200px square and you can simply drag them from the page and onto your desktop. We are happy for you to resize the badges to fit in with the style and size specifications of your own blog/website but please ensure that the proportions are constrained and the resizing is to scale and not stretched or distorted.

Our badges are for the exclusive use of Photographers' and brands
who have featured on the Itty Bitty Fluffy blog.

As seen on Itty Bitty Fluffy badge | Exclusively for Photographers' and
brands featured here on the Itty Bitty Fluffy blog.

Loved by Itty Bitty Fluffy badge | Exclusively for Photographers' and
brands featured by Itty Bitty Fluffy blog as well as those Photographers' and
brands listed in our Pet Photographers and Products & Shops pages.

If you would like to submit a photography session or pet product for our consideration, pop by
our Submissions page { here } and we will look forward to hearing from you!

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